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You can find this season’s free download by scrolling down this page.

Brass and Wind Arrangements, Descants, and Guitar Chords for Hymns

The CuthbertPraise Hymn Collection is a versatile assortment of hymn descants and accompaniments for brass and wind instruments, guitar, strings, and timpani. Each hymn contains an original descant, guitar chords, piano score, and instrumental parts for any size ensemble from solo, duet or trio, brass quartet or quintet, or full band or orchestra. All arrangements are available for immediate download.

Use whatever instruments you have available in any combination or number.

Solo Instruments

Add a solo trumpet or flute to your worship service. Or a trombone or sax. Solo instruments can choose melody, harmony or descant parts. Add a guitar to your piano accompanimet, or just use the guitar to accompany the singing.

Duets or Trios

Add groups of two or three instruments in different combinations.

Brass or Wind Quartet/Quintet or any size ensemble in any combination of instruments

The Ensemble Score is written for brass quintet and timpani, but substitutions and doublings are clearly marked, and transposed parts are included in each arrangement.

Flexible Hymn Arrangements with Original Descants, Guitar Chords, Piano Score, and Parts for Brass, Winds, Strings and Timpani and all available for immediate download

Something for Everyone to Play

Simple and Versatile

Strings and Brass with Timpani

Arrangements include full scores and parts for string ensemble and brass ensemble with timpani. Doublings and substitutions are shown for each part.

Individual Parts with Doublings

Individual parts may be doubled or played by a single player. Substitutions are shown so you can choose the part that works best.

Optional Timpani Parts

All arrangements include an optional timpani part where applicable. Notes used are shown at the top of the part.

Solo, Duet or Trio

Melody and Descant parts are included for most instruments and will work for one, two, or three players. They can also be mixed and mathed with other instruments.

Voice and Piano Score

The Piano/Vocal score includes the solo descant part and guitar chords along with the hymn text. All parts include composer, lyricist, hymn tune and date information.

Voice and Guitar

The Guitar/Vocal parts include fretboard fingerings and additional parts for playing with CAPO for hymns that could use more "guitar-friendly" keys.

YOU FOUND IT! DOWNLOAD OUR FREE "HYMN OF THE MONTH" (Or whenever I get around to it!)

Here’s where you can always find a free mostly-monthly hymn download! Check back with us regularly and see what’s new!

This Lenten and Easter season we are offering two new additions to the collection: EP# 175 Hail Thee Festival Day, the Easter Version (Salve festiva dies), and the comforting favorite by Fanny Crosby and Phoeby Palmer Knapp, Blessed Assurance. These hymns, along with most all of our hymn arrangements, come complete with score and parts for brass, timpani, winds, strings, piano and guitar. Simply click on the link below or search for the hymn by name or number, and add it to your shopping cart. You can then check out without paying anything and download your hymn arrangement. While You’re in the neighborhood, please check out all the other hymn arrangements in our catalog. I’m still updating and adding string ensemble scores to several arrangements, so if you need strings on any I haven’t gotten to yet, please let me know and I’ll add them for no extra charge.

Use our easy search feature to find what you're looking for, use one of the index categories on our "Index" page, or just scroll through the Complete Catalog.

Simple and Versatile


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We don’t spam, we don't share your information, you'll only hear from us a few times a year (but we hope you'll check our site more often than that for new offerings!), and every newsletter includes a free hymn arrangement!